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Date : 2017-10-17
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Roman but Not Catholic Kenneth J Collins Jerry L Walls ~ The thesis of Roman but Not Catholic is that the Church of Rome is not sufficiently catholic and Collins and Walls support that admittedly ironic claim irenically but stringently This is a book every Protestant who feels some pull toward Rome must read before converting
Review Roman but Not Catholic Baptist Standard ~ The Roman Catholic Church “is not sufficiently catholic universal” as it excludes Eastern and Reformation Christians with the insistence that it is the only true Christian path From the start of this book Collins and Walls make it clear that they are not opposed to the Roman Catholic Church
Why I Am Not Roman Catholic Tim Challies ~ The Roman Catholic gospel is a false gospel I am not Roman Catholic because Rome is not the church Rome claims to trace her lineage in an unbroken line that extends all the way back to the apostle Peter to whom Christ said “Upon this rock I will build my church” Matthew 1618
155 Roman but Not Catholic A Book Review Vatican Files ~ “Roman but not Catholic” means that the catholic that is in Rome is no longer biblically catholic but distortedly Roman Catholic and needs to be reformed according to the gospel 1 J Pelikan The Christian Tradition vol 4 Philadelphia PA The Westminster Press 1963 pp 245246
Roman but Not Catholic What Remains at Stake 500 Years ~ Roman but Not Catholic offers a clearly written informative and fair critique of Roman Catholicism in defense of the catholic faith Kenneth J Collins and Jerry L Walls two leading evangelical thinkers in church history and philosophy summarize the major points of contention between Protestants and Catholics honestly acknowledging real differences while conveying mutual respect and charity
Why Catholics Are NOT Christian ~ The Roman Catholic Church teaches that it is the only source of salvation for sinners The Bible teaches the LORD Jesus Christ is the only Saviour Details Catholics are taught that the Catholic Church forgives sins The Bible teaches that forgiveness comes directly from God through faith in Christ not through church membership or sacraments
Roman but Not Catholic Baker Publishing Group ~ Roman but Not Catholic is likely to earn a wide readership and long lifespan because while it is definitely a pointed polemical Protestant argument it also treats Roman Catholics as fellow believers rather than as pagans Theres a real need for clear and honest polemical literature about serious Christian differences and Collins and Walls have raised the standard for how they should be written
Catholic but not Roman Christianity Today ~ Walls and Ken Collins had just written Roman but Not Catholic arguing Protestants are catholic too by virtue of identifying with the one true church down through the centuries as well as with
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