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Date : 1983-02-28
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Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval ~ Lester K Littles broad interpretative essay is an account of the role played by voluntary poverty in the new profit economy of Western Europe between the eleventh and the fourteenth centuries His particular interest is in the ways by which ideas of voluntary poverty helped shape a kind of spiritual life that accommodated the merchants town dwellers and clerics whom the new economy brought into prominence
Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe ~ The emergence of poverty as a religious asset is a reflection of the emergence of money as the central organizing principle Religion fights to maintain a suprasensible hold on organizing human activity above and beyond money And this seems to work at least in the middle Medieval ages
Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval ~ In this stimulating and important book Lester Little advances the original thesis that paradoxically it was the leading practitioners of voluntary poverty Franciscan and Dominican friars
Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe ~ Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe by Lester Little 9780801492471 available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide
Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval ~ Lester K Little is Dwight W Morrow Professor of History at Smith College He is the author of numerous articles and books including Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe also from Cornell
Religious poverty and the profit economy in medieval ~ The spiritual crisis of medieval urban culture From gift economy to profit economy Adapting to the profit economy The Jews in Christian Europe pt II Avoiding the crisis monks and hermits The old order The new Egypt The new monastery pt III Confronting the crisis canons laymen and friars The regular canons The Humiliati Waldensians Beguines and Cathars The Franciscans and Dominicans pt IV
Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe ~ Lester Littleâs Religious poverty and the profit economy in medieval Europe is a âhistory of voluntary poverty as it relates to the new profit economy between the approximate dates 1000 and 1300â While it was written by an historian for the specialist in European history Littleâs book speaks to certain specialists in economics as well
Religious Poverty And The Profit Economy In Medieval Europe ~ The Sacred Exchange between Saint Francis and Lady The Sacred Exchange between Saint Francis and Lady Poverty 1 is one The Profit Economy in Medieval Europe K Little Religious Poverty and the Profit
Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval ~ Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe Lester K Little Libros en idiomas extranjeros Saltar al contenido principal Prueba Prime Hola Identifícate Cuenta y listas Identifícate Cuenta y listas Pedidos Suscríbete a Prime Cesta Todos los departamentos
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