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Date : 2004-05-21
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Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics ~ 4 The Vocation Forcée in French Political and Literary Culture 1740–1789 pp 98128 In his efforts to reinstate marieanne le coq as a novice in SaintNicolas JeanBaptiste Faré began his plaidoyer by accentuating the sincerity of his client’s vows
Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics ~ Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics and Culture offers stimulating new insights into debates over womens roles in eighteenthcentury France the place of women in the Catholic Church and the significance of gender in the political thought of that period Jeremy Popkin University of Kentucky
Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics ~ description of nuns in the eighteenth century the myth of the unwilling nun imprisoned in the convent had a life of its own Despite gossip and the volumes of vocation forcee literature the records of the officialite of Paris tell a very different story Between 1731 and 1789 only two nuns MarieMichelle Couhe de Lusignan and Mar
Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics ~ 2 Convents and Nuns and nuns carried with it all the vehemence and loathing associated with Enlightenment anticlericalism but the reference to the Bastille also re vealed a political dimension to the critique of the convent Moreover this rhetoric was not just the result of an imagination inflamed by the events of the Revolution
Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics ~ Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics and Culture offers stimulating new insights into debates over womens roles in eighteenthcentury France the place of women in the Catholic Church and the significance of gender in the political thought of that period
Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics ~ Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics and Culture review On July 17 1794 sixteen Carmelite nuns went to the guillotine accused of royalism and counterrevolutionary behavior These nuns became symbols to both opponents and supporters of the French Revolution
Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics ~ Representations of convents and nuns assumed power and urgency within the volatile political culture of eighteenthcentury France Drawing from a range of literary cultural and legal material Mita Choudhury analyzes how between 1730 and 1789 lawyers religious pamphleteers and men of letters repeatedly asked Who should control the female convent and women religious
Mita Choudhury Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury ~ Mita Choudhury Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury French Politics and Cornell University Press 2004 Pp ix 234 4250
Project MUSE Convents and Nuns in EighteenthCentury ~ Choudhurys study spans the period from the1730s when Jansenist nuns resisted the papal bull Unigenitus through the French Revolution which as it became increasingly radical closed Frances convents and monasteries and labeled those who resisted counterrevolutionaries She argues that during this period discussions of convents and nuns were central to critiques—and to the eventual dismantling—of the political and social institutions of the Old Regime
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