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Date : 1998-06-26
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The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History ~ He also offers a thorough history of the idea of biblical poetry starting with Philo of Alexandria and Josephus in the first century and charting its development through the Church Fathers medieval Jewish writers the Christian Hebraists of the Renaissance and on into modern times
The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History ~ The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History 9780801859441 by James L Kugel Hear about sales receive special offers more You can unsubscribe at any time
The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History ~ He also offers a thorough history of the idea of biblical poetry starting with Philo of Alexandria and Josephus in the first century and charting its development through the Church Fathers medieval Jewish writers the Christian Hebraists of the Renaissance and on into modern times
The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History ~ Arguing that the Bible presents a continuum of speech heightened in varying degrees by different means Kugel sets out to describe Hebrews high style on its own terms He also offers a thorough history of the idea of biblical poetry starting with Philo of Alexandria and Josephus
The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History ~ Of all published articles the following were the most read within the past 12 months
The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History ~ The story of how each age understood the nature biblical poetry Kugel concludes is a key to understanding the Bibles place in the history of Western thought About the Author James Kugel is the Starr Professor of Hebrew Literature at Harvard University and Professor of Bible at Bar Ilan University Israel
9780300031010 The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism ~ The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History 9780300031010 by Kugel James L and a great selection of similar New Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices
The idea of biblical poetry parallelism and its history ~ Biblical poetry is not a concept native to the Bible itself he proposes and the idea that the Bible is divided into prose and verse is merely an approximation of the reality of biblical style Arguing that the Bible presents a continuum of speech heightened in varying degrees by different means Kugel sets out to describe Hebrews high style on its own terms
The Idea of Biblical Poetry Johns Hopkins University ~ He also offers a thorough history of the idea of biblical poetry starting with Philo of Alexandria and Josephus in the first century and charting its development through the Church Fathers medieval Jewish writers the Christian Hebraists of the Renaissance and on into modern times
The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History ~ Find many great new used options and get the best deals for The Idea of Biblical Poetry Parallelism and Its History by James L Kugel 1980 Hardcover at the best online prices at eBay Free shipping for many products
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