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Date : 2004-08-04
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Habits of Devotion Catholic Religious Practice in ~ In Habits of Devotion four senior scholars take the measure of the central religious practices and devotions that by the middle of the twentieth century defined the ordinary weektoweek religion of the majority of American Catholics Their essays investigate prayer devotion to Mary confession and the Eucharist as practiced by Catholics in the United States before and shortly after the Second Vatican Council
Habits of Devotion Catholic Religious Practice in ~ For generations American Catholics like their fellow Americans who went to other churches lived out their faith through countless unremarkable routines Deep questions of theology usually meant little to them but parishioners clung to deeply ingrained habits of devotion both public and private
Habits of Devotion Catholic Religious Practice in ~ In Habits of Devotion four senior scholars take the measure of the central religious practices and devotions that by the middle of the twentieth century defined the ordinary weektoweek religion of the majority of American Catholics
Habits of Devotion Catholic Religious Practice in ~ Habits of Devotion is one of the first fruits of the Catholicism in the Twentieth Century study hosted by the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism at the University of Notre
Habits of Devotion Catholic Religious Practice in ~ Overall the content of Habits of Devotion Catholic Religious Practice in TwentiethCentury America is an informative read for the Catholic educator looking for a historical background on the major devotions of the Catholic Church in America during the last century The authors provide an
Habits of devotion Catholic religious practice in ~ In Habits of Devotion four senior scholars take the measure of the central religious practices and devotions that by the middle of the twentieth century defined the ordinary weektoweek religion of the majority of American Catholics
Project MUSE Habits of Devotion Catholic Religious ~ Habits of Devotion is one of the first fruits of the Catholicism in the Twentieth Century study hosted by the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism at the University of Notre Dame James OToole has ably edited this important volume on Catholic practice and Catholic identity
Habits of Devotion Catholic Religious Practice in ~ Habits of Devotion illuminates the way in which Catholic rituals were woven into the fabric of everyday life and it shows how these rituals changed over the course of the century This is a very fine book and an important addition to the growing literature on twentiethcentury American Catholicism
James M OToole editor Habits of Devotion Catholic ~ Inspired by religious historians turn toward the study of practice and sustained by the collaborations of Notre Dames TwentiethCentury America Project the a We use cookies to enhance your experience on our continuing to use our website you are agreeing to our use of cookies