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Date : 2013-08-01
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Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love Are You Making Linda ~ This new study Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love Are You Making lets God’s Word speak about sex as being holy and erotic blessed by God and satisfying far beyond what the world can even imagine Picture that as a headline on the cover of Cosmopolitan
Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love Are You Making ~ Passion Pursuit is biblically grounded immeasurably helpful and desperately needed You will love it —Drs Les and Leslie Parrott authors of Love Talk Juli Slattery and Linda Dillow have joined together to address some of the deepest sexual questions struggles and wounds of our era
Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love Are You Making by ~ Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love are You Making leads women in a tenweek Bible study designed to help them “discover freedom and fun in their intimate relationship with their husbands” and help them “gain new insights about how spirituality and sexuality flow together”
Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love are You Making ~ Passion Pursuit offers a valuable and sacred journey to joy and freedom Pursuing passion takes time intentionality and creativity Through the use of Scripture especially from the Song of Solomon Passion Pursuit not only urges women to pursue passion but also details how God has given them permission to do so It reveals the power a woman has to build up or to tear down her marriage and how she can deal with her husband’s and her own temptations with empathy and holiness
Ch 5 Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love Are You Making ~ Linda Dillow and Dr Juli Slattery look at a key verse in scripture and then look at marriage through that Scripture A Bible study about sex YES Thats Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love Are
Ch 4 Passion Pursuit What Kind of Love Are You Making ~ What lies have you believed about your sexuality that youve carried into your marriage Dr Juli Slattery and Linda Dillow discuss how to break free from these lies in the 10week Bible study
About Passion Pursuit Authentic Intimacy ~ Passion Pursuit is a 10week video course for women taught by Linda Dillow and Dr Juli Slattery Passion Pursuit is a DVD workbook curriculum with a 3050 minute video five days of homework for each week designed to take you into God’s Holy Word and apply the principles to your marriage
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