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Date : 2007-11-05
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Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War Young ~ During the American Civil War the Amish and their fellow Anabaptists such as the Mennonites were largely pacifists preferring to stay away from secular politics and political movements and the war created by regional differences within the country
Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War Young ~ During the American Civil War the Mennonites and Amish faced moral dilemmas that tested the very core of their faith How could they oppose both slavery and the war to end it How could they remain outside the conflict without entering the American mainstream to secure legal conscientious objector status
BOOKS IN Amish Mennonite and Anabaptist Studies ~ Latino Mennonites Civil Rights Faith and Evangelical Culture Felipe Hinojosa Winner Américo Paredes Book Award Center for Mexican American Studies and South Texas College “Hinojosa has set a standard for the historical and cultural study of Latino evangelicals throughout the United States”—The Mennonite Quarterly Review
Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War Johns ~ During the American Civil War the Mennonites and Amish faced moral dilemmas that tested the very core of their faith How could they oppose both slavery and the war to end it How could they remain Books Header Series Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies
Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War Young ~ Fishpond Indonesia Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies by James O Lehman Steven M NoltBuy Books online Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies 2007
Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War Google Books ~ During the American Civil War the Mennonites and Amish faced moral dilemmas that tested the very core of their faith How could they oppose both slavery and the war to end it How could they remain outside the conflict without entering the American mainstream to secure legal conscientious objector status In the North living this ethical paradox marked them as ambivalent participants to the
Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War James O ~ During the American Civil War the Mennonites and Amish faced moral dilemmas that tested the very core of their faith How could they oppose both slavery and the war to end it How could they remain outside the conflict without entering the American mainstream to secure legal conscientious objector status In the North living this ethical paradox marked them as ambivalent participants to the
Project MUSE Mennonites Amish and the American Civil ~ Most Mennonites and Amish the authors conclude remained true to their spiritual convictions despite the turbulent conditions of civil war By highlighting the struggles of these religious outsiders who strived to keep End Page 134 the church distinct from the world Lehman and Nolt have produced an insightful study that further elucidates the centrality of religion for a proper understanding of the Civil War
Project MUSE Mennonites Amish and the American Civil ~ Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War By James O Lehman and Steven M Nolt Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies By James O Lehman and Steven M Nolt Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies
Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies ~ Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies Mennonites Amish and the American Civil War by James O Lehman and Steven M Nolt 2007 Hardcover Be the first to write a review About this product
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