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Date : 2008-12-15
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Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine ~ In Consuming Visions Suzanne K Kaufman deftly explores the crowded cultural intersection that produces modern forms of pilgrimage healing and devotion commerce spectacle popular media tourism and mass consumption Making good use of religious and cultural histories of the United Stateswhere the merchandising of faith has long been viewed as a wondrous sign of creative adaptation to religious disestablishmentKaufman bathes the Lourdes shrine in a new lightLeigh E Schmidt
Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine on ~ The 1897 jubilee pilgrimage to Lourdes marked a key moment in the life of the shrine Commemorating twentyfive years of national pilgrimages to the holy grotto the jubilee saluted the shrine’s long commitment to serving the sick and celebrated two and a half decades of the Virgin’s intercessory powers of healing
Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine ~ Suzanne Kaufman argues not only that there is more to say on this famous subject but that previous historians have failed to understand the real nature of the
Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine ~ Consuming Visions offers new ways to interpret material forms of worship female piety and modern commercial culture Kaufman argues that the melding of traditional pilgrimage activities with a newly developing mass culture produced fresh expressions of popular faith
Consuming visions mass culture and the Lourdes shrine ~ Consuming visions mass culture and the Lourdes shrine Suzanne K Kaufman Plastic Madonnas packaged holy tours and biblical theme parks can arouse discomfort laughter and even revulsion in religious believers and nonbelievers alike
Project MUSE Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the ~ The commercial glare of consumer culture is seldom seen as a locus of encounter with the divine The Shrine at Lourdes is an interesting case in this regard Bernadette Soubirouss first encounter with an apparition of the Virgin Mary in 1858 produced a thoroughly modern pilgrimage site that replicated in religious form contemporaneously emerging resort towns with uncanny precision
Project MUSE Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the ~ Suzanne Kaufmans Consuming Visions challenges two ways of looking at the history of France and French Catholicism The first maintains that there End Page 430 were two Frances one Catholic and antimodern the other Republican anticlerical and in tune with the modern world of science and commerce The second contends that French Catholicism became feminized in the nineteenth century and as a consequence privatized its practices and rituals removed from the public sphere
Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine ~ Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine By Suzanne K Kaufman Ithaca and London Cornell University Press 2005 viii plus 255 pp 3495
Project MUSE Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the ~ Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine By Suzanne Ithaca and London Cornell University Press 2005 viii plus 255 pp 3495 By Suzanne Ithaca and London Cornell University Press 2005 viii plus 255 pp 3495
Project MUSE Consuming Visions Mass Culture and the ~ Lourdes was Suzanne Kaufman declares both religious and modern 1 and she takes on historians almost reflexive association of religious phenomena with the persistence of archaic traditions in modern Europe Far from an atavistic throwback to some religious premodern world Lourdes was firmly anchored in findesiècle mass culture
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